On our way to meet some family members I saw her, black and beautiful...Sitting in the back yard of a building soaked from the days rain but beautiful in her shape and potential... I will come back for you in an hour I promise...Come back I did but it seemed alot more work to get this chair that I had anticipated... The seat came of easily but it weight 6 pounds from all the rain it had retained...Luckily I had help... Such sexy shape to it and I was sure it was older than me just by looking at the abuse and location it came from...
Some sanding and paint later she was ready for fabric...The fabric part I wasn't sure about...One trip to Ikea gave me what I needed...Orange black and white... Two of these colors I like..Not a fan of orange at any time...It bothers me but this fabric and its graphic designs were what made me choose it and love it...But I decided she needed to go to a home as soon as I was done since the color was not going to work in my home...
Took me forver to start and once I did the top and back panels I was stuck with no foam for a cushion and no mentality to go and buy one...After the year had passed I bought the foam online as I do most everything these days and made up my mind to finish her...I knew it wasnt going to be easy but I did it...In my eye she is ok and the cushion is too thick but botched she will stay...
She is Botched Suzie, I learned my lessons with her and she can be yours...
There is another chair in the closet and I have the fabric and foam to re-upholster it but its going to have to wait another year before I can do it probably...Frustrated much?
Happy now that Suzie has got a new Home in Vermont...
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