Sunday, December 11, 2011

Somewhere to keep your earrings

I have an extensive collection of art and non art supplies and since I have moved most of it is in boxes still awaiting the light of day. But once in a while I open a box and find something I haven't seen in a while and soon enough I get an idea. This is what happened a couple of weeks ago when I stumbled upon these diamond shaped knitting pieces. My aunt had sent them to me or maybe I had bought them too long ago to remember. Instantly I thought of earrings and two weeks later after I finished other pending works I began working on earring holders.

I had all these board pieces from when I built the Barbie Mansion that I had to use for something. And sure enough the ideas simply marinated in my head and I began cutting and decorating. I had been watching "Nightmare Before Christmas" non stop and felt inspired by a pattern I saw on a wrapped gift. After seeing the movie so many times I now watch out for all them details missed the first and second and third etc times I've seen it. This is what was born out of my creativity, an awesome and practical earring holder. For those of us like me who have earrings galore, mostly of the stud kind. I should work on the larger earrings holder soon.

This one is a  large and measures about 14x12 and stands on its own so it has presence and can keep a good amount of earrings. I have two more that I'm working on and should have them ready soon.

This one is covered with amazing  Japanese origami paper and it is smaller than the previous one. Approximately  half the size of the other and also free standing.


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