Its been a minute, since May and plenty has happened and not very much at all compared to how I can produce...I have had surges of inspiration solely on desperation which is a new thing for me as an artist...
While packing to move I was left with lots of leftover boards from my college years that I felt guilty about throwing away...With very little to do and lots of energy to spend I began cutting triangles out of the boards and challenged myself to build a mask out of only triangles...I made a base out of semi equilateral triangles and began adding from there...It was daunting at first to figure out the eyes and how to make them sink into them pull a face out of them...It seemed like a week but I spend one Sunday just gluing triangles and listening to music...I hadn't really attempted to build something like this since I worked on my vejigante mask...Which took a while to figure out as it also was a challenge/experiment...
He now lives on a wall at the offices in El Museo del Barrio in NYC
Once I finished Monday evening I was very please with what I made...and realized what have I been doing all this time sitting around dillydallying... Roxy as I called it was beautiful and rather well done coming from a simple challenge...There were a couple of pieces that I was just too tired to cut into triangles but I can safely say that 98% of this mask in done in triangular shapes...

There was no rythm to the construction it was all pure feeling...Which I guess can be considered rhythm since it comes from the order or disorder in my head...I wasn't thinking about an animal in specific until I looked at it and saw some sort of rodent like creature taking shape...The colors were random since those were the first I found when I opened a packed box...The dots well I can do dots forever with out flinching...This mask was very therapeutic and helped me pass the time even thought I just spent two days making it...It did open the door for three other mask that were fashioned with the same principle of triangles...
This one was slightly bigger and twice as fun to make...Once I began working on it I knew how I wanted to paint it... I was thinking tribal vases and pots for some reason and this is the result...
Now this little cat here wasn't supposed to be a cat at all...I was giving the mask thing one last try before I was all out of feeling...I was thinking more bird than cat but once I flipped it around and began adding to it, it was starting to look very feline to me and once the ears were made it was clear I had this very Egyptian cat on my hands...Its significantly smaller than the others and it my most detailed and organized one...
After I finished this one I realized I had so more in me and quit before I would loose it...Once I put all my tools away I stopped doing art for about two weeks and just stayed quiet...Now that I am at a better place with a clear mind I will continue to create and bring art to the world....